Your Speakers Network

Ready To Crush Your Next Event?

Real Estate’s Most Relevant Training For 2022

Click on titles below to book the speaker that will drive results for your audience.

Overcome Broke Months

Dan Rochon

Bust The Facebook Algorithm

Karen Liz Albert

Wealth, Freedom & Purpose

Josh Kalinowski

More Warm Referrals

Justin Stoddart

Crisis Management Leadership

Coni Meyers

The Golden Handoff

Nick Krautter

Business Profit

David Cole

Curated Learning

Amy Chorew

Brain Management

D.C. McGuire

Cashflow Rollercoaster

Amy Donaldson

Make Money Making A Difference

Cami Baker

What Others Have To Say

How Your Speakers Network Works

1. Transform with

The World’s Best Programs

Your time is valuable, so every minute you spend learning counts. We work with the leading expert in every field to create the world’s foremost program in that area using Your Speakers Network human transformation philosophy.

2. Connect with

Powerful New Friends

A key element of learning is WHO you learn with. We run our own private, safe, social network that allows students to collaborate, network and come together to enrich each other’s lives.

3. Transform

Every Day

Your Speakers Network Quest model makes learning as addictive as a computer game. Quests take 20 minutes a day and last 3 to 4 weeks. Every month you unlock a powerful new ability whether it’s tripling your reading speed, healing your body, becoming resilient to stress, or developing greater intuition. Choose from 150+ different human potential outcomes. Imagine just who you would be in 1 year?

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